Chef Rock Stars!

Stirring chefs to their own beat

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Pizza Sandwich!

This meal is called a pizza sandwich because it’s a pizza that has sandwich stuff on it except for the cheese. You can get it with cucumbers also with cheddar cheese or maybe some pudding on it (just kidding, Mama).


  • Meat
  • Bread
  • Ketchup
  • And a pizza

Why did the pizza marry the cheese? Because the pizza thought it was so cheesey!


1. Tear a bit of meat off of the meat circle into little pieces and put it on the pizza. About the joke: you might see more!

Add the meat

Add the meat

2. Get some bread. Rip it into pieces put the pieces on the pizza.

Add the bread

Add the bread

Ready for extras!

Ready for extras!

3. You can add tomatoes, garlic, jalapenos, and even mustard! Maybe if you want to, the hottest chips in the world!

Add Extras!

Add Extras!

4. And now enjoy your pizza creation! Don’t worry, we’ll give you the ingredients at our restaurant if you go some day.

Enjoy your meal!

Enjoy your meal!

Yum yum from Music Chef

(typed up by Chef Mama)


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Music Chef